Monday, January 26, 2009

House Painting

Nothing to report from over the weekend. What? Nothing? Well, not exactly nothing. Just nothing training related. We were painting this weekend. From the time I got home Friday afternoon till Sunday night, I have been painting. We bought a ton of paint from Home Depot when they were running they're sale over the Martin Luther King weekend and we finally got started. The ceilings in the dining room and the kitchen are done, along with the front and rear entry ways. The trim is done throughout except for the living room. The dining room even has a coat of paint on the walls, thanks to Heather.

I suppose we made good time, considering the amount of trim and doors we have downstairs. I also needed to patch two large holes in the kitchen ceiling from when we had a leak in the bathroom upstairs. Then, I also needed to make a quick repair to the PVC drain from the same upstairs bathroom which Heather had unknowingly driven a nail into to hang a picture from when we moved in. My suspicions were aroused when I noticed the nail had a funny wiggle to it, even though it was still anchored. Anchored in something that wasn't a stud. I filled it with Goop for Plumbers. Hopefully it won't leak on me.

I don't know how much more I'm going to do during the week. I feel guilty for not getting ANY training done this weekend, so I may focus on that after work this week. I will be attending the running club meeting tonight and will be bringing all my logo concepts with me. Hopefully there will be a few in there that people like.

1 comment:

Clifford Running said...

you did a great job, thank you for all your work! They were great! I appreciate your time and effort!