Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I'm tired and late for bed because I was running later tonight than I'm used to, so I'm going to try to be brief. Cold and snowy again so I was inside tonight running intervals on the track. I was also deflowering my new pair of Asics Gel Stratus running shoes. One pair. You see, I bought two pairs today because they're going to be replaced soon and I really like how they fit. And they were on sale at Second Sole for $69. Hard to beat that.

Here's tonight's breakdown:
1 mile warm-up - 7:17
1 mile - 6:43
800m rest
800m - 2:55
800m rest
800m - 3:13
800m rest
1 mile - 7:39
1/2 mile cool down - 4:11

A nice short workout for a total of 6 miles. Now my right hamstring and left quad are sore, so I think I'll pass on any more running until Thursday at the earliest.

Also, this morning, I logged another 10 miles on the bike trainer. It's not as annoying when I've got a good book to read.

1 comment:

Clifford Running said...

WOW, a 7:17 warm up, your getting to fast. I gotta give you credit,I could not handle that little round track for to many miles, I overheated and got pretty dizzy when we stopped for water breaks.The Gel-Stratus is Chuck's favorite shoe. Are you going to the run/meeting mon. night?