Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

A little late, as it's currently January 4, 2009. HA! That was the first time I had to write 2009 and I didn't goof it up! I've been a bad boy. I haven't been keeping up on my blogging over the Holidays as I would have hoped. Nothing too new with training. It's still technically the off-season so I'm just plugging along with the three sports. I've been consistent in getting to the pool and putting in my time and distance. I'm actually starting to see some improvement and noticing where my form is good and not so good. Running is what it is. (I really deplore that phrase!) I've done what I could with the weather we've had. On the nice days, I've tried to go a little further than planned. The bike is a bear, but I'm putting in my mileage there too. It's not fun, but it's getting done.

I took a few days off, like 4, as we went up north to visit my grandmother over New Years. I went to the speed workout Tuesday night before we left and got in over 9 miles. That was on top of 23 miles on the bike earlier that day. That was supposed to carry me through the trip, but alas, I still managed to pack on some pounds.

Today I was exorcising the demons of my partying by doing triple sessions. It wasn't a brick workout because I took some rest time between each workout, but I did cover the three disciplines. First I did a mile and a quarter in the pool. My overall time was 1:10 but my mile split was in 55 minutes, which is about the quickest I've done it yet. Next up was the bike where I logged another 20 miles in 1:21. Nothing too hard as I knew I was going to run afterward. As for the run, I did 3.5 miles around the house in 28 and a half minutes. That's just over an 8 minute per mile pace. The weather was moist. Not raining but foggy and humid. And much warmer than I anticipated. It would have been nice to go further.

One of my many resolutions for 2009 (got it again!) is to post updates more often. I would like to post daily regarding workouts, even if it's just a few sentences. We'll just have to wait and see how that works out.

That's all for now. I have a lot of other work to do like creating my spring marathon training plan, that will morph into my summer triathlon training plan, which will morph into my half Ironman training plan, which will morph back into my fall marathon training plan. When you look at it that way, it looks like I'm going to have a lot to do this year.

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