Sunday, March 2, 2008

Running in Cleveland in February really sucks!

I mean, it really really sucks!  I don't like the cold weather.  I love snow up until Christmas, but at this point, I'm ready for global warming to kick in.  I really should be living somewhere else, south or west or maybe southwest.  Oh well, I'm just tired of being indoors.  I'll just suck it up and take it out on the treadmill, or the bike trainer, or the weights.  I'm well practiced at focusing negative energy toward a productive outcome.  I've been doing it as long as I can remember.  I guess I'm just bummed that today I was stuck on the treadmill while last Sunday, I was able to get out for nearly 7.5 miles.  I can't do 7.5 on the treadmill.  It would drive me insane. All I have down there in the basement is my iPod.  No TV.  No DVD.  I couldn't even ride indoors today because yesterday I dropped my bike off at the bike shop for a check-up before the season starts.

To recap the rest of the week from a training standpoint, it was same old, same old.  Aside from my Tuesday evening snow run, of course.  I was able to fit something in every day.  Three runs, two of which were on the treadmill.  In total 11.1 miles for the week.  Not bad for the beginning of March, I suppose.  It's actually more than that.  The treadmill we have right now measures distance a little slow.  So for the amount of time I was running, I actually went farther that what the readout showed.  As for cross-training, I'm still hitting the weights nearly every day.  I'm starting to focus more on lower weight and higher reps.  But on Monday, I bench pressed my body weight for the first time in a few years.  That's something I've been working towards for a few months now. Accomplishing goals is always rewarding, no matter their size.

That's all for today folks.  I'm anticipating another week of the same this week.  But maybe Mother Nature will surprise me.

Mr. P 

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