Thursday, March 20, 2008

The First Week of Spring (in Cleveland)

And so we have a lovely example of springtime in Cleveland. Decent weather for the run on Saturday. Even better weather for the St. Patrick's Day parade on Monday. Tuesday was rainy. But Wednesday, Wednesday we get hit with snow. Snow no one, not even the venerable Dick Goddard, predicted. So of course, the roads were HORRIBLE last night because the road crews weren't ready for it. Good thing I don't have far to drive to work any more!

Now on to more important matters. I've been fighting off something since about Tuesday. I've had a scratchy throat. It hasn't progressed into a "real" sore throat yet, which I'm thankful for. I seldom get sick, so when something is beginning, I'm aware of it. But because of this bug, I have to decide whether or not to tone down the workouts. I know endurance events lower your body's ability to fight off disease, but I don't want to cut back on anything right now. I've been training well and don't want to mess with it.

So I haven't. After taking a full day off on Sunday, I squeezed in a 5k on the treadmill Monday morning. On Tuesday, I logged some more miles on the bike trainer. I rolled out of bed a little late, so only 8 miles again this time. Yesterday, with scratchy throat and everything, I ran 2 miles on the treadmill in the morning and another 3 after work. First time I've done a split running session ever, I believe. If it wasn't for the treadmill, I wouldn't have done it. There is just so much less impact than on the road, I'm able to run more often than I otherwise would. Once the weather improves though, I'll be back out on the road. But I hope to keep a weekly treadmill workout year round as a way to log some extra miles.

Mr. P

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