Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Give me more 60 degree days in March

If you give me 60 degrees in March, in Cleveland, I'll run in that.  Gratefully!  I was able to squeeze in a trip around my 5K loop last night before the weather moved in.  We had beautiful sunny skies all day, up until it was time for me to leave work, of course.  Mrs. P was able to get a run in first.  If I didn't get a chance to, it really wasn't a big deal.  I had logged 4 miles on the treadmill Sunday morning and I usually don't run back to back days.  My legs have never been able to take it.  I develop shin splints very quickly when I try to run every day.  But I was able to get out there last night.  Yes I was tired.  Yes I'm used to running in the morning.  But it was so nice outside.  That spring smell was in the air.  Well I busted out a 23 and a half minute 5K, which I'm happy with.  That's just over 7:30 per mile. I was surprised by how much snow melted in a matter of hours yesterday.  Every sidewalk was uncovered save for a couple spots which were shaded by trees, and the plow mounds of course. 

Right now I can hear the ice pellets hitting the windows, so I don't think I'll be getting outside again any  time soon.  But that's OK too.  The time will be here soon, when I'll be logging many many miles again.  I have learned that it's OK to play with the cards your dealt. Especially when there's not a whole lot you can do to change them.

Mr. P

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