Thursday, February 12, 2009


I hardly slept last night due to all the (insert choice expletive here) wind. I thought I could hear pieces of the house ripping off at times. And the creaking! It was driving me crazy! I did a walk around this morning before work and I couldn't see any damage (knock on wood), just some stuff in the yard that got knocked over and blown around. Our power went out for a few seconds this morning, but that was the worst of it. The way I knew the power went out is because I was up reading at the time. I know the lack of sleep is going to catch up with me sometime today, so I think I'll keep my chocolate covered espresso beans handy today!

Before the weather decided to change from the mid 60s to the 30s, I went up to the pool to burn off some energy. I swam 1.25 miles in about an hour and ten minutes. My mile split was about like last time, right around 54 or 55 minutes. I had some very painful calf cramping at around a mile and an eighth. It took a couple minutes for me to get rid of them. They came on as I was pushing off the wall pretty hard. Hopefully I won't have to worry about that in the open water.


Clifford Running said...

Hi Dan
I had to laugh when I read your most recent blog, we sleep to a sound machine, mostly ocean waves or rain so wind would put us to sleep but last night I couldn't sleep either. We had 10 13 year old girls spending the night.
Calf cramps in open water sounds dangerous, at least running you can just stop and rest or massage it. Maybe we'll see you next weekend.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary and many more to come. Kudos to Heather for upping her time in Sunday's race in Cleveland, Ohio. Texas