Tuesday, May 31, 2011

BR100 Training - Week 20

Another late one. As Linus said, "I'm doomed." I need Staples to make a "pause" button like their "easy" button. I could get so much done with one of those!

Week 20 was more or less a recovery week. I had a first! Monday, the day after the marathon, I ran 3 miles on the treadmill. I've never, ever run the day after a marathon before. It didn't hurt either. My legs felt fine when running. It was while walking or climbing or descending the stairs that I could really feel them. To make things interesting, I worked in a set of pull-ups and push-ups between every mile during the run.

Tuesday at the track was a near wash-out with more rain. Michelle and I ran a very easy 5 miles and traded Rite Aid stories while trying to dodge the raindrops.

Wednesday I worked the upper body again with Kevin at the gym. At first I was worried about bulking up above the waistline, but I don't think I have to worry about that happening. It's helping, but definitely not hurting.

Saturday was the Judgement Day run. It was really nice to get out on some mostly dry trails for a change. I over-did things just a tad, not eating enough and heading out onto the Salt Run Trail without any calories, and paid for it the rest of the weekend. Instead of getting a Sunday run in, I was toast.

Ten weeks out from Burning River and I'm fully aware I'm not putting in the mileage I should. I'm doing a lot, but I don't know if it's going to be enough. Worries are beginning to creep in.

Monday - 3.0 mile treadmill recovery run
Tuesday - 5.0 mile easy at the track
Wednesday - 1 hour strength training - Upper body (PT)
Thursday - Off
Friday - Off
Saturday - 16.27 mile trail run
Sunday - Toast

Weekly mileage = 24.27 miles

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