Saturday, April 25, 2009

Too Hot to Run That Far

Today is April 25. I don't know what the average temperature is for April 25, but I know what isn't the average temperature: What we're having this weekend! I began my run at about 8:00 this morning. Right about the time that the Nashville Marathon was starting many miles away. (I heard it was hot there too!) It was already well into the 70's at that time. I was hoping to run about 23 to 24 miles today as my last long training run for Rite Aid.

I set out with four full bottles on my Fuel Belt from Bonnie Park in Strongsville. I headed east into North Royalton along the paved trail. I knew shortly after starting that today's run was going to be difficult. My original plan was to run 6 out and come back. But at mile 6 I saw the big hill that kicks my butt on the bike just around the bend and decided to run it. I was gasping and dripping by the time I reached the parking area at the top. I had a gel there and turned around. On the way back I knew I was going to have to modify my desired distance due to the heat.

I finished the 3 Gatorades and 1 water well before reaching the parking lot and drifted in on fumes. There I quickly refilled the bottles, had another gel, and hunted down a working water fountain where I doused my head. It felt good but didn't last nearly long enough once I was running again. As I headed towards Wallace Lake in Berea I ran into Krista who is training for the half at Rite Aid. We briefly agreed that it was too hot and went on to continue our runs.

Upon reaching Wallace Lake I was in bad shape again. I rested a couple minutes while I had my last gel. I found another water fountain to bathe my head in on the way back. Like before, it didn't last long enough.

I finally made it back to where I parked, covering 20.25 miles at an average pace of 7:56. All bottles were emptied once again so I hit the water fountain with a vengeance. My saving grace this morning was the strong wind gusts accompanying the heat. If not for the breeze to cool off with occasionally, I wouldn't have made it as far as I did.

So now the long runs are done and I can start to focus more on swimming and biking. I made it to the pool for a mile Friday afternoon after work and I'll be riding 15 miles in the Buzzard Duathlon tomorrow morning. This is turning out to be one busy weekend!

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