Sunday, March 13, 2011

BR 100 Training - Week 10

What is there to say about Week 10? Let me think. Recovery. Sick. Injured still. That about sums it up! Sunday was a recovery day from Green Jewel. I wasn't planning on doing much of anything that day. I began Monday with a morning strength workout, but fizzled out in the evening. Tuesday I went to the track to test out my leg, now referred to as shin. It hurt so I cut my run short at 2.5 miles. Wednesday I woke up not feeling well and that has carried through to today. My congestion is just now beginning to break up and I can breathe through both nostrils. I'm hoping for a better week this week.

Regarding my shin. I'm on the verge of having a professional look at it, but I'm still pretty sure it's just an overuse injury. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a type of shin splint that I haven't been afflicted with before. I used to get them on the upper inside of my shins, both legs. This is one leg, down low on the front side. I can feel the tendons and muscles moving when I flex my foot. On the right leg it's nice and smooth, while on the left I can feel a creaking from inside. Like a door hinge that needs some oil. The swelling has been down for a couple days now, but the pain is still there, although slightly less in intensity.

Monday - Chest and Back AM
Tuesday - 2.5 miles at the track
Wednesday - Sick
Thursday - Sick
Friday - Sick
Saturday - Sick
Sunday - Sick, but feeling good for Monday

Weekly mileage = 2.5 miles

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