Friday, May 8, 2009

5/7/09 Trail Running

As beautiful as yesterday was early, it was the opposite at 5:00. We had steady to heavy rain falling with no end visible to the naked eye. The radar was a different matter. It at least offered hope of drying out! Which it did. Right at 6:00 when we were beginning our tour through the trails of the Hinckley Metropark.

In fact, it didn't rain a drop for the entire run. Which was disappointing as we could have really used a little relief from the muggy, buggy air. But even drenched in sweat it was a great run. Ladd and I did one loop staying on the main trails and not venturing onto any of the winding single track paths. We were out for 1:36 and estimate our mileage to be about 11 miles. We went a little harder than I anticipated, but that was OK. The hills took their toll on both my legs and my lungs, but that may have been due to Tuesday's hill workout.

It's amazing how fast everything is greening-up over there. There are leaves on the trees when there were just buds two weeks ago. The forest floor is covered with plant growth now. Soon there will be legitimate underbrush. We encountered numerous wildlife including about four deer crossing about 30 feet ahead of us, birds, squirrels, buzzards (of course), one horse, and, get ready for it, the MOSQUITO'S are back! Yeah!!! I wasn't ready for them. They can go back to the pits of hell for all I care. Need to remember to pack the Off next time. Which won't be next week as I'll be cutting WAY back for Rite Aid.

9 days and counting!

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