Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spotlight Runner

Here is an excerpt from the Medina County Road Runners Newsletter for February that I thought would be an appropriate addition to my blog. Each month someone is asked to provide answers to a series of questions. This time it was my turn.

Spotlight Runner

Name: Dan DeRosha

Birth Date and 5 year age group: 9/30/74 30-34 running 35-39 multi-sport (age up rule)

Occupation: Prototype Model Maker for product development

Children/Grandchildren: 1 son, Bailey, who will be 10 on Tax Day

Any interesting facts about your life we should know? I started running track in the 8th grade. I wanted to run sprints because I had no desire to run long. I tried running my first marathon two years later. I dropped out at mile 16. Also, l started competing in multi-sport in 1989, duathlon (biathlon back then). I'm working my way into triathlon this year (finally). I've also finished 6 marathons and look forward to many more. My best finish was in Columbus 2008 with a 3:34. I need to take another 19 minutes off to qualify for Boston.

How many years have you been running? 21 years, but with a break from 1996 to 2006

How many days a week do you run? Only 3 to 4, I need my rest days

What’s your average weekly mileage? 20 to 30 miles, more if I'm in serious marathon training mode. Plus I have all the cross-training to fit in.

Favorite Running Shoe? I didn't used to have one, but now it seems like it's the Asics Gel Stratus
Favorite Running Magazine? I'm still getting The Running Times (courtesy of the Akron Marathon) but I don't really need magazines anymore. There's so much information available on the Internet now, I just go surfing for results or tips.

Morning or evening runs? I prefer morning, but due to schedule I usually run in the evening. So,
weekends = mornings, weekdays = evenings.
Prefer to run alone or with someone? Both. Sometimes I prefer to be by myself because it's great "thinking" time. Company is awesome on the long runs though. Makes the miles fly by.

Where do you run, neighborhood, park, treadmill, etc? In my order of preference: Neighborhood, outdoor track, park, indoor track, treadmill. I HATE the treadmill. Although it's not as bad as a stationary bike trainer. That's much worse!

What’s your favorite race distance? I'd have to say the half marathon because I can run hard, achieve a good result, and not pay for it for weeks after. Although, the marathon is such a challenge, the sense of accomplishment upon finishing 26.2 is unparalleled for me. (for the moment, anyway)

Any future running goals? Qualify for Boston at 3:15 (I've got a few years to hit it), Half Ironman
Triathlon in August, full Ironman Triathlon within a few years.

Ipod or Purist (no music)? I used to like my iPod while at the Rec. Center or at home when everyone is still sleeping. I prefer to run outside without any distractions. It's impossible to hear the dogs coming with Metallica blaring in my ears. I've only done one race with my iPod, and it was just OK. My iPod died, so I don't have to worry about it anymore. I think it's fine for those who "need" it. I'm glad the big races are allowing them this year.

Favorite running gadgets ( Forerunner, heart rate monitor, etc)? I've run 3 times with my Garmin Forerunner 101 and I love it! I don't know how I went so long without it. No heart rate monitor, just distance, mile splits, and pace.

Favorite or most memorable running moment: Finishing my first marathon in Columbus in 1992 after failing horribly in my very first attempt in Cleveland in 1990. I really didn't know if I was going to be able to do it until somewhere around mile 24. The realization hit me harder than "the wall" and I'll never forget it.

Any superstitious rituals, ie. favorite race socks, shirt, etc.? Nothing in particular. Just eating a good breakfast. Usually peanut butter and jelly toast.

Favorite post run indulgence? Chocolate milk, then guilelessly indulging the rest of the day in food and beverages including but not limited to Reese's Cups, cookies, ice cream, and Great Lakes.

As a follow up to this last question, I guilelessly pigged out Saturday after our 16 mile run. The Garmin said I burned over 2,000 calories, so I wasn't worried at all about what I was eating. Like the Reese's Valentine Heart that I ate in one sitting. It was about 800 calories and served four. Long distance running certainly has some advantages!

Looking forward to speed work tonight (sort of). It's cold again. About two weeks till spring and we had temperatures near the single digits yet again this morning. I am so ready for it to warm up. Fortunately, Dick Goddard is calling for 50's this weekend. About time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi son, I'm very proud of you and what you have accomplished; and you are finishing what you have started out to do. Continue in the Spirit!! Texas, Love, Mom