Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday Night Speed Work

We went fast on Wednesday instead of Tuesday this week. It just worked out better. And we finally had a group involved. Much better than going solo. A group of five of us met at Root Middle instead of Claggett. The weather was drier and sunnier but also windier and colder than it was on Tuesday, but that didn't seem to hurt the splits too much. Neither did whatever I've been coughing on since waking up on Monday. I thought for sure I would experience some breathing problems. But that was not the case.

We had a fun workout that began with me joining Frank for some warm-up miles. Ladd and Marsha arrived shortly after me with Chuck running the anchor leg as he arrived last. 3.76 miles of warm-up including some 100m sections of bounding, butt-kickers, karaoke twists, and backward running. Then it was off for the fast stuff:

200m - :45
200m - recovery
400m - 1:31
200m - recovery
800m - 2:59
400m - recovery
400m - 1:31
200m - recovery
800m - 2:59
400m - recovery
400m - 1:28
200m - recovery
800m - 3:00
200m - recovery
1.06 mile cool-down

The workout lasted an hour and eleven minutes, which is longer than any I've done since last fall. Also, the recoveries were shorter than what we've been doing, so it felt like we were really pushing hard. Which we were! All three 800s at 3:00 or below. That's a great grouping. And the 400s were on the same pace as well. Now if I could just begin stringing the three minute half miles into six minute miles, and string those miles together for a full race. The possibilities...

What I need to focus on now is getting over whatever I'm fighting off right now. I've had a minor sore throat since waking up this morning, I'm still coughing a little, and my nose is getting runny. The St. Malachi races are Saturday and I'd like to not feel too horrible running them. I say "them" because I'm running the 2 Miler with Bailey and then running the 5 Miler. Looks like I've got some hill work coming up Saturday!

1 comment:

Clifford Running said...

Good work out Dan, if you were feeling a little sick I think I'll be running well behind you next time.