Thursday, March 19, 2009

3/18/09 Speed Work

Someone must have left a door open because all the warm air disappeared. It was there early in the day yesterday, but was gone by 6:00. I must be easily spoiled by nice weather to complain about running in 50 degree temps. It wasn't even raining. Just cloudy and very windy. And getting colder. It could have been worse. It could have been snowing. And I'm sure we're still in for more snow yet this season.

But for all the complaining, the speed session was great. I was the last one to arrive, so I got to choose the workout. 6 X 800 repeats with 400m rest. We intended to run 3:10 to 3:15 pace. Not only did we hit our splits, but we stayed below them and progressively got faster. The splits were: 3:12 / 3:13 / 3:06 / 3:06 / 3:10 / 2:57. "2:57"? Yeah, sub-three minute pace for the last one. It was hard, but worth it. I have to keep hammering out these 800's every week now. They're great training for a marathon, and Cleveland is quickly approaching.

I've had back to back 7 mile days and I think I'm feeling it this morning. My right knee, which I've never had problems with, is stiff and sore this morning. The stairs really aggravated it so I'm glad I don't have any of those to deal with at work. A couple days off are in store.

1 comment:

Clifford Running said...

It was a great speed session!!!!!!Let's both get well rested for our 25 mile weekend and oh just to let you know, WE WILL NOT BE GETTING ANY MORE SNOW!