Friday, March 6, 2009

Welcome Back 60's

60's as in degrees Fahrenheit, not the decade! Ladd and I met for an after-work, kind-of mid-week, not-quite-the-long-run long run. What that means in plain English is that we ran a 10 miler after work this afternoon. And the weather was amazing. We had mid 60's, a cloudy sky that threatened rain but held off, and a persistent wind hitting us out of the west and a bit of the north (by my estimation).

Meeting at Ladd's house, we went south along the newly discovered (for me) Buckeye Rail Trail to RT. 162. We went west, made our way through the University of Akron Medina Campus, and eventually into Buckeye Woods Park. I had never been there before. We made our way from a paved trail, to gravel, and eventually to mud. There was a lake we went around, trees we went under, and fields we went through. There was even a young couple, who thought they were quite alone, that we surprised when we came up on them. I'd like to head back over there sometime when the ground has had a chance to dry out a bit and it doesn't smell so much like an outhouse.

We made our way back after that, dodging the evening rush hour traffic along 162, to finish with 10 miles in 1:23 at an 8:20 pace. Not too shabby for an afternoon run! We have 17 planned for Sunday morning, so I'm toying with the idea of getting in a short and easy 3 tomorrow to give me 30 miles in three days. Since I've been neglecting my swimming and biking lately, I think I'll go ahead and push for this run goal.

1 comment:

Clifford Running said...

Good run for an after work run, that will stand as a record long run for a weekday. see you Sunday morning.