Wednesday, May 14, 2008

T - Minus 4 Days and Counting

When I put it like that, it makes it sound like I'm hoping to do really well Sunday. The whole countdown thing automatically puts the pressure on to perform. Maybe I should stop doing that. I'm not expecting to break my half marathon PR, which I just set last month, already. The weather looks to be just as crappy, if not crappier, than in Columbus. We're looking at rain and 40's to 50's during the race. I'll take the 50's and wind, but dry weather from Capital City, thank you. Oh well, everyone has to run in the same weather. If it's crap, everyone gets a little bit.

I did my last training run last night while the weather was still nice. Another 9 miler out and back on the Lester Rail Trail. Going out was nice, although a bit warm, with the wind at my back. Coming back was a head wind, which made it tougher, but more comfortable. Splits from both directions were within seconds of each other, which is perfect. I didn't want to push too hard. I just wanted to go out and log some miles. With the last run in the books, the rest of the week will consist of cross training, which I do a lot of anyway, since I can't run everyday. We are going to be walking tomorrow night for heart disease awareness, so I hope the rain we're having today, works it's way through. I would prefer not to get soaked twice within the same week. Now that I think about it, we need to make it through Jr. P's soccer game on Saturday too. I think I'll buy a bigger umbrella.

Mr. P

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