Monday, January 12, 2009


I am not a world class athlete. I do not win races. I don't even win my age group unless I get lucky and the competition doesn't show up. But I know I'm a decent runner. I'm better than average. Tonight, however, I felt like everyone at the back of the pack. The ones just trying to reach the finish line. I went to the track to run because I thought it would be the best place (outside) to run with the amount of snow we received. I still stick by that reasoning too. I wanted to get some miles in. And I did. Just not as many as I was hoping for.

Tonight I ran 4 miles in 46:36. That's nearly a 12 minute per mile pace. And I had to work to run that fast! There was about 7 to 8 inches of pristine snow on the track. Heck, I wouldn't even call it a track. More like just a large white space surrounded by some fence. I could just make out where the track met the grass. I ran mile one in 11:45, blazing a trail of footprints along the way. Mile two passed in 11:49. Whew, I was flying. Mile three was an amazing 11:55! And that was where I was going to stop, until I decided that if I could run mile four with the fastest split I could have a beer with dinner. So I did the last mile in 11:06. And I'm finishing up my mug of Samuel Adams Chocolate Bock. MMMMMM, it's good! Of course my legs are feeling more tired the more time passes and I'm probably going to go to bed early, but it was worth it.

Last night I ended up going to the pool and swimming another 1.25 miles. (That's 80 laps for those of you counting at home.) Maybe I'll swim again tomorrow night because I don't think I'm heading back to the track for speed work. I wouldn't call busting out 5 minute 800s a speed session. Plus the weather is supposed to turn really crappy, so Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, it's indoors I go!


Clifford Running said...

Dan, it's tough running in deep snow!! We only got 4 in the other day also. suggestion. We are going to try speedwork at the parking lot at the High School. It was clear yesterday, but who knows with all the snow we got today. We plan to go there at 3:45 because we are not going to wait for the cold front to move in of course if it moves in too quickly, we will not be there.!

Clifford Running said...

Hi Dan
Hey if I didn't have plans I'd go run the track tonight since some nut blazed a trail in it. You should have kept going,after you wore your path yout times would have sped up. We are planning on running 11 miles sunday afternoon if you're interested.