Friday, January 9, 2009


One new thing I would like to start doing with my blog is begin to incorporate some of my photography from time to time. Today is a photo of Penny our 11 year old Golden Retriever. It's from August of 2008. She likes to lay at the end of the sofa and on this particular afternoon I caught her basking in the afternoon sun.

As for today, I got my run in this afternoon. Nearly 5 miles in 40 minutes. Not bad for a steady snowfall and a wind out of the south. I ran around Lake Medina which is just behind where I work. It was a really nice day for a run, although no one believes me when I tell them that. Yes, it was a little cold, but not unbearable. The snow was awesome to run in. I would have stayed out longer but I had to come in and warm up. Warm up certain parts that is (no names please!) I've had this problem one other time and I need to find a way to solve it. I like my Mizuno running pants but if I can't get some insulation in certain areas, I'm just going to have to stick with my tights.

We're supposed to get up to a foot of snow overnight and into tomorrow and the Mrs. doesn't get back till Sunday, so I'm not planning any additional runs for the weekend. I'm hoping to get some miles on the bike both Saturday and Sunday. Then later on Sunday I'll see what else I can get in. I think my 18 week marathon training is supposed to start this weekend.

This week I was light at work so I was able to spend a lot of time on the logo for the running club. I don't think I've mentioned that here yet. I'm involved with designing a logo for the Medina County Road Runners. Whether something I design gets used or not, I don't know. But I'm enjoying coming up with loads of variations and different ideas. At least we'll be able to go to a printer or whoever with some artwork. And it's fun!

One other thing of note for any wine drinkers that may be reading this. Tonight I'm enjoying a 2005 Zinfandel by Seacliff Winery in Santa Rosa, CA. I think we picked it up at either Trader Joe's or World Market and it didn't cost very much. It's really good! I wholeheartedly recommend it and will put it on my list to buy again. And there's a red blend from Australia I picked up at Buehler's that had dust all over the bottle and everything. It was magnificent! I need to get back up there and buy whatever they have left.

1 comment:

Dan Horvath said...

Try these wind briefs from Amazon. I got some recently because the elastic wore out for my old ones. Don't sell them in the store, but we should.

nice pic