Saturday, January 17, 2009


I set a goal for swimming today, and I met it. Two miles. That's 128 laps. If you're saying to yourself, "that's a lot of laps", you would be correct. It was a lot of laps. But it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. You see, I tried something new today. Instead of wearing my all-purpose swimming trunks, I wore my tri-shorts. What a difference! I felt like I was gliding through the water. I don't think I'm going to be able to wear my trunks to a training workout ever again after today. I clocked my first mile at about 52 minutes, which is pretty good for me. My two mile time was 1 hour and 50 minutes. A little slower on the second mile, but I was getting pretty tired. I look forward to some more swim workouts like this one.

Earlier today we had to run up to the Brunswick Home Depot to buy paint because the one in Medina ran out of the base we needed. We stopped for lunch at the Winking Lizard while we were up there. I had a tasty turkey and bacon wrap with lettuce and tomato and two bottles of Imperial Stout by the Thirsty Dog Brewery. What a tasty beer. And with 9.? percent alcohol, it hit me hard enough that I couldn't drive home. Now that's what I would call carbo-loading!

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