Monday, November 17, 2008


1.2 mile swim.

56 mile bike.

13.1 mile run.

That is a 70.3 triathlon, also known as a Half Ironman. A little daunting when grouped together, true, but taken as individual parts, a challenge I not only think I can meet, but excel at. Or so I hope.

Two things that have been weighing on my mind the past few months have been moving from duathlon to triathlon and going longer. This move satisfies both quite nicely. With the economy headed into the crapper, I've been waffling on whether to make the attempt next year. I decided last night to just go ahead and make the commitment. It's done. Now I have to get myself ready.

Steelhead will by my "A" race of "A" races next year. The other two being the Rite Aid Marathon in May and most likely the Columbus Marathon again next October. I love to challenge myself and I think two marathons and a half Ironman triathlon should challenge me quite nicely. I wouldn't have dreamed of doing this had I not had as good a year as I had in 2008. The addition of track work did wonders for my running at all distances. I think that with a steadfast dedication to training on the bike, I can not only get faster but go longer in a race than I ever have before. The swimming side will be the wild card in the whole house of cards. If that fails, the whole thing's going to come down. I enjoy being in the water, it's just the fact that I can't stand up in the water that starts to mess with my head and always has. Last night I decided to tackle that last little fear that's been holding me back.

So that's what I've been up to lately. The snow is flying outside and I'm making plans to race next August. I also got an 11.5 mile run in Friday after work while it was still spectacular outside. Yesterday afternoon I got the bike mounted to the trainer and did a short 11 miles. It was short, only 44 minutes, but seemed to take forever. I really don't like riding indoors. I have to play a mental game with the odometer. Quarter mile hard, quarter mile recovery, quarter mile hard, quarter mile recovery. Next mile, repeat. It's boring, but if it's going to help, I'm going to do it.

This won't be my only triathlon next year, and not even the first. I plan on some shorter races to build up. Sprint and Olympic distances. I just haven't decided which ones to do yet.

Off season is over. It's time to get back to training!


Clifford Running said...

Way to go Dan!!! What a challenge! I mentioned it at the meeting tonight and Becky Steiner said to have you contact her, she has done them before. She is a lifeguard at the Rec center, does training with a group and does swims in lake erie every week or so in the summer. She said she would be glad to help!

Running the 1/2 on December 6th?

Dan Horvath said...

Sounds like a challenge. I always say that I could do well at triathlons. Except for the biking and swimming parts. Good luck with your training.

I won't be running tonight. Sorry to be such a wimp.