Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Color Trail Run

Saturday I went for a long awaited lengthy trail run surrounded by the many hues of changing leaves. After deliberating as to where I should park and where I should run, I chose to park at the Station Road parking area, run into the Brecksville Reservation of the Metroparks, pick up the Buckeye Trail and follow that down toward Peninsula. The run began well with me heading out on the bridle trail into Brecksville, where I was easily able to locate the Deer Lick Trail. This trail did a loop inside the reservation, eventually meeting up with the Buckeye Trail. It was a beautiful trail and I'm shocked I don't hear about people running in there more often! With all the different loops and trial options, one could spend an entire day running in Brecksville.

Cutting to the chase, the run went very well save for a couple incidents. The first was that somehow I found myself on the section of the BT that headed right back where I began from! I popped out of the woods on Riverview Rd. and knew I had some backtracking in store for me. The second was a fall. My first trail fall, to be exact. Usually when I trip over something I can catch myself, however awkward I may look. This time I went down HARD. Laid out flat. Fortunately it was dirt and leaves I fell on and not rocks. I banged my knee pretty hard and that smarted for a couple minutes, but no cuts. The only damage I'm sporting today is a slight bruise on that knee and a sore shoulder. It was actually quite a pleasant free fall until the sudden stop at the end.

Now on to the photos!

This is the root that got me.

Still not sure how I missed it.

I had just cleared this log and must not have been paying enough attention to where I was landing.

I paid additional attention to my surroundings going through this particular area though!

Upon reaching the Boston Store I refilled my bottles and downed a Cliff Bar. Although I was hoping for a 30 mile day, I decided I was tired enough to just head back to the car along the Towpath, which was one reason I parked where I did, and settled for 22 miles. I passed a few of the aid stations being set up for Sunday's Towpath Marathon. The mile markers were being placed into position as well. I enjoyed the one time I ran the Towpath Half, and would like to run the full someday, but I LOVED my time alone on the trails much more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Northeast is having a beautiful Fall color season. Awesome pictures. Too bad about the fall Dan. Love, Texas