Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Lied

Remember that tiny little part about me adding a Thursday run, but not this week because I have a race Sunday and I didn't want to anything that might hamper my performance? I lied. I ran this morning on the treadmill. Only 2 miles though. But my shin hurt bad and now I'm hoping it will go away with 2 1/2 days rest. It feels fine to walk on now, but it was twinging pretty bad this morning. I may take my shoes into Second Sole to have them inspected for wear. Maybe the miles are finally starting to affect them. I would prefer to think it's an equipment issue rather than a conditioning issue.

In other news, since I still haven't replaced my bad back tire on the bike yet, I decided to hook it up to the trainer last night and have a spin. I was able to do 10 miles before I had to stop due to sheer boredom. Indoor cycling is the absolute most boring exercise known to man. But you might ask, "Mr. Pythagoras, what about Spinning classes?" Spinning classes are a whole different ballgame compared to riding a bike by yourself in the basement. There's only so much cinder block and spider web landscape I can take. I'd much rather be out on the road. I just don't trust drivers the way I did when I was younger. Experience, I guess.

Mr. P

1 comment:

Dan Horvath said...

Hi Dan, Dan Horvath here. Nice blog! I plan to look at it in more detail later.