Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Race History 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
How to Make Rum Balls
3. Acquire a Rum Ball Recipe. This particular recipe is short on details, but it works!
4. Ingredients: Vanilla wafers.
5. Cocoa powder
6. Pecans (Note: We didn't have pecans, so we used walnuts)
(Don't worry. People won't care they're not pecans. People would care if there wasn't any rum!)
8. RUM!
9. Chop the vanilla wafers
10. Deposit the wafer bits into a large mixing bowl.
11. Measure the nuts of choice.
12. Chop the nuts.
13. Add the chopped nuts to the chopped wafers.
14. Add the cocoa powder to the mix.
15. Add the powdered sugar.
16. Mix the dry ingredients together.
Time for the rum!
17. Start with 1/2 cup and see how well that works.
18. Pour the rum into the dry ingredients and mix well.
19. Not enough rum? Try another 1/4 cup!
20. After the consistency is perfect, form the balls one at a time and then roll in a small bowl of powdered sugar.
21. Don't forget to smile. There's RUM in there!
22. Place the completed balls in an air tight container for storage.
23. Ponder the fact that there is still rum left!
24. Taste test!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
We're Not Getting it THAT Bad

While the lake effect snow we received in Medina managed to skip right over the communities along the lake shore, downtown Cleveland hasn't been totally left out of the party. A snow squall line formed yesterday afternoon and hit the area during afternoon rush hour. Horror stories abounded as it took folks hours to make what would normally be a 20 minute commute.

Sunday, December 5, 2010
2010 Buckeye Woods 50K FA
Dear Mother Nature,
(or as I'm going with today, You Frosty Hearted Witch)
I'm writing to you today about the winter-like weather you served up for the inaugural Buckeye Woods 50 this morning, the 5th of December, 2010. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT SHIT? I distinctly recall ordering a sunny day with highs in the 50 to 60 degree range. Now, I don't know what planet you're from, but around here, mid 20's with wind gusts that push the wind chill into the teens and SNOW that falls SIDEWAYS is NOT the same thing as mid 50's and SUN! Yes, I know that it's December and Christmas is coming and all that, but it still says AUTUMN on my calender and that steaming platter of frozen-weather excrement we had to endure today is decidedly one that occurs in the WINTER.
Do you know what? Maybe you should get your bitch-ass outside and try running for more than an hour in this windy-ass polar cold! How would you like that? I'm guessing you wouldn't. Oh, I'm sure it looks positively lovely from inside, next to a crackling fire. But by about mile 15 your thoughts will begin to change from "winter wonderland" to wondering if your going to freeze one of your testicles off because there's not enough room for both of them to retract into your body cavity. Let me tell you, THAT is an unpleasant thought to ponder when you're out on a trail at the absolute farthest point from the aid station. And that's another thing. What was the deal with the excessive wind gusts at the aid station? I suppose you may have found that humorous? Well, it WASN'T! Of all the locations on that 5 mile loop, the ONE place it would have been nice to have a little respite from the elements was at the aid station. We stopped in. Got a little fluid. Ate something. Maybe even ate some hot noodles! Would it have been too much to ask to have the wind NOT blow so hard my fingers numbed in the time it took to eat 1/4 of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
I'll have to hand it to you Your Royal Frostiness. You beat me today. You managed to sap all the energy I had. Reduced me to walking. Your icy talons pierced my soul and left me little choice but to cut my run short! Sure, I was sick all week and hadn't ran in 8 days. But when I woke up this morning I still thought I could manage 31 miles. Congratulations, along with my strength, you sucked from my body what mental fortitude I was using to keep putting one foot in front of the other, leaving me only able to manage 26 miles (27 with that last mile I ran with Kenny). I salute the others who were able to persevere in the face of such a meteorological assault. They, THEY were the true victors. You may have beaten me into submission, but you didn't win. I have that to comfort me.
In the future, I suggest you treat us runners with the respect and dignity we deserve. Deliver us with weather conditions a little more suitable to running comfortably. Worrying about frostbite in our nether regions is NOT comfortable. I don't expect a refund for today's debacle, but I would appreciate a couple muggy 85 degree partly cloudy with a chance of scattered rain shower days next year to make amends. Say on the 30 and 31st of July to coincide with the Burning River 100? Yeah, that would be nice! It's the National 100 Mile Trail Championships again, you know. Hot and muggy would be SWEET!
Affectionately yours,
Mr. Pythagoras
P.S. I also suggest you do not overstep your bounds. Remember what happened to the White Witch in Narnia? She got a little full of herself and thought she could make it winter all year long and look what happened. Aslan put her back into her place. We might not be four English kids, but we Medinans roll like that. I would hate to see something like that happen to you. I'm just saying...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Trans-Siberian Orchestra
And they did! They played straight thru without an intermission and the concert seemed to end too soon. We almost decided to stick around for an autograph signing, but being a work and school night, we thought that would make for a very rough Monday morning. Maybe next year!
Thank you TSO for putting on yet another top notch concert! I think we've already agreed to come celebrate Christmas with you again next year. After five concerts, it's kind of a tradition at this point!