Monday, June 3, 2013

The Run Streak is Over

It didn't take long, but 5 days were the most days in a row I have probably ever run. My run streak ended on Friday. I am not disappointed. I enjoy/need rest days. While at the track on Thursday, I did something to my left ankle. I don't know what. It hurts, but not a lot and not all the time. I probably ran on it too hard without having the base in. Or maybe it was the lightweight more minimalist shoes. Whatever it is, I will need to work through it without making it any worse.

Which has me rethinking even going down to run Mohican. The race is paid for. I think I can cancel my camping reservation and get at least some of my money back. I can definitely save on time and travel by not going. It's Father's Day weekend and if I go I won't be home until Sunday afternoon. Decisions, decisions.

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