Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Upping Volume

My swimming has finally fallen into a routine. Somewhat. I've been getting up to the pool at lunchtime two to three times per week for half a mile. That's all I have time for and still get back to work in one hour. Funny thing with doing these short swims, I'm able to pick up on things I can improve. They're more noticeable then during a long swim. Whether I'm able to correct them is another story!

I begin the first half of the swim very strong and feel really fast. Then something happens with my breathing, either too much or not enough, and I fall into my normal plodding. But then during the second half, I start to find a natural rhythm and begin to feel good again. I haven't had any negative splits yet, but I've been close.

Running last week was incredible! The weather broke and I was determined to take full advantage of it. Even with all my aches and pains I ran five days straight from Tuesday through Saturday. I was certainly ready for a rest day come Sunday! Tuesday was speedwork, which was tough, 1600 / 1200 / 800 / 400 / and 4 X 100, since I haven't done some of those distances in a while.

The remaining four days, I was running trails! Three trips around the Reagan Park mountain bike trails, and a run along the Buckeye Trail in the Cuyahoga Valley. That last run was fun but very tough as we were running with a speedy group that meets down there every Saturday. The pace was a little too fast and sapped much of the enjoyability from the run. It was still a great time though! Can't wait to get back down there again.

This week is back to normal in the weather department, also known as Sucky. 40's and rain today. Speedwork is going to be miserable tonight. But I have to go.

Cycling is the only discipline where volume is dropping. Like a stone. I'm just not interested in riding in the basement now that I can get outside, but it's still a little cold to go for any rides. I dropped the mtb off at Century for an overhaul this weekend. At least when that comes back I'll be able to go out for some short evening rides.

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