Sunday, January 3, 2010

Freedom Park 24 Hour Results

While I am still recovering from my 24 hour adventure in North Carolina, I feel MUCH better than I thought I would two days after finishing. I have some aches and pains and I'm still walking funny, but I've had more muscle soreness after running a hard half marathon than from running for 24 hours. I have some joint/tendon/ligament pain/swelling that I've never had before, but it's all slowly getting better.

I will post a more detailed race report soon, but since the official race results have been posted I wanted to make a quick mention of them here. Even though I was hoping to hit triple digits in mileage, I am very pleased with my distance of 78.88 miles. I completed 80 laps in 23 hours, 33 minutes, and 43 seconds. Granted, the "run" was a "run/walk" combination, but that's how these things are done. And who would have thought that I would decided to enter something like this anyway? I distinctly remember deciding that a 24 hour event wasn't for me while working the North Coast 24 back in October! But something has happened recently to make me decide that ultras as well as trail running ARE in fact for me! And my race number was all I needed to confirm that.

Congrats to the rest of Team Ohio: Mike K. - 56.2 miles, Ladd C. - 70.13 miles, Dan H. - 93.66 miles, and another Ohioan whom I didn't know Mark P. - 82.82 miles. The conditions were less than ideal, but could have been worse. I will try to get a full race report up before too long!

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