Monday, September 21, 2009

An Easy Weekend

After running Erie hard last weekend, this weekend was supposed to be a little easier. Not quite time to taper, just running a little less. An "off" week. The plan was to run 6 easy on Saturday and 12 easy on Sunday. Saturday's run was going well, until about nearly the 6 mile mark. Running back down Huntington I missed seeing a drop in the sidewalk and hit it wrong on my left leg. You know, when you "know" your foot should be landing on something, but instead it keeps going! Well it jarred pretty hard, but I was able to keep running on it just fine. The pain in my knee didn't start until another 200 meters or so down the road. It was bad. Fortunately I was approaching an intersection with a light and I got to stop. It wasn't the knee pain I used to get, but painfully similar. I was able to run home OK, but it felt weak the rest of the day and it's still popping whenever I bend it.

Sunday I cancelled my running plans in the hopes of getting a little extra rest before this final big week of training. This week is the last push before my taper starts for Columbus. Now that I think about it, it is a three week taper. I could push everything back one week if I needed to and just do a two week taper. I'm going to have to consider that if tonight's test run doesn't go well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rest up for your birthday!!!! Love, Texas