According to Mr. Harold Camping, our self-appointed modern day prophet, yesterday was supposed to be Judgement Day, when the true believers would rise to Heaven, leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves until the end of the world. The fact that I'm writing this (and YOU are reading this) on May 22 tells you that either A) I wasn't (we weren't) one of the chosen few, or B) Harold Camping is full of shit. I will let you decide for yourselves. May 21, to me, was a beautiful day to go for a run. We haven't had too many days like this so far this spring. My destination this week: Pine Hollow and the trails of the Fools 50K.
I really enjoy running the trails around Kendall Lake: Ledges, Haskell Run, the Cross Country Trail, Pine Grove, Salt Run, Boston Run, and the Lake Trail. They all basically loop out from wherever you parked so you don't get too far from aid, are scenic, and decidedly
not easy. AND... they're all part of the Burning River course! So I set out from Pine Hollow and went wherever my feet led me.

Climbing up the Sound of Music hill after leaving Pine Hollow.

The view from the top of the Sound of Music Hill.

Looking toward Kendall Lake.

Looking back toward the Pine Hollow parking area, where the aid station will be located for BR.

On the Lake Trail.

On the way to the Ledges.

The Scenic Lookout at the Ledges.

See, I was actually there!

Heading around the east side of the Ledges.

Yes, this is really in Ohio!

Although it was still quiet, hikers were arriving to enjoy the nice weather.

Taking the east side of the Haskell Run Trail, I noticed a headstone to the side of the trail for the first time. More about this in a bit.

From the Boston Run Trail.

The steep hill climbing out of Boston Run if you're running it counter-clockwise.

Looking back down that hill.

Pedestrian tunnel underneath Route 303.

So, I found that headstone on the way out, but I found the rest of the graveyard on the way back. How could I never notice this before? It's right next to the Happy Days Visitor Center! Of course I had to take a stroll through it.

A graveyard would be the last place I would want to be if the Rapture were about to happen, what, with the
possibilities of zombies and everything. But since the dates on the headstones were so old, I wasn't too worried.

Along the Haskell Run Trail on the way back.
It says Dana, not Dan. I didn't scrawl it on there. But it's along the west side of the Ledges.

The Ledges rock! I definitely need to run there more often. Or better, bring the family with me!

Along the Lake Trail, heading toward the Cross Country Trail.

I made it back to Pine Hollow with two empty bottles. The temperature was rising and the humidity had me sweating profusely. I refilled before setting out for Salt Run. My mistake was not eating anything and only bringing water and
Nuun with me. I bonked pretty bad going through Salt Run and really could have used some calories.
Salt Run is literally either up or down. At mile 70 something during Burning River this section is going to be a slow one for me. It's only three miles, but it's going to take a while to complete it. I usually see deer through here, but none yesterday. Lots of chipmunks squeaking at me though. And an unseen bird chirping a call I've never heard before. It's really hard to explain, but it had a reverberation to it, like a delay. It was impressive.

Finally climbing out from Salt Run to the parking lot at Pine Hollow. The hills certainly were alive with the sounds of bumble bees, birds, and a hawk soaring high overhead. Although I will probably run the sections again before race day, it won't be long until I'm running those same trails in the dark with only my headlamp giving me illumination.
May 21, 2011: A great day for a run!
I am glad you (and I) are still here. Glad that 144,000 people didn't die yesterday.
ALSO so glad you took AND shared so many wonderful photos of some of my favorite spots!
Thanks Dan! I hope I see you sooner rather than later!
I don't remember seeing any orange t-shirts, but I was out there yesterday as well. Ran the Fools 25K loop. I love those trails as well and they are pretty much my "home course". I started pretty early around 8 am so I had cool breeze for most of the run.
Love those trails and so pretty this time of year.
Thanks guys! Sorry I'm a little late replying, but I'm having a hard time juggling everything right now. It could be worse, I know, but it's so hard to do what I want to do with all the stuff I need to do getting in the way!
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