Wednesday, May 11, 2011

BR100 Training - Week 18

You know, from time to time, life happens. And when it does, I've learned it's best to just roll with it. We may make plans to run certain races up to a year in advance, but when a major life event happens, that doesn't matter much. I had to cancel my plans to run the 50's For Yo Mama 50 Mile Trail Run, one of my two major training runs for Burning River, on Saturday so I could instead attend my grandmother's funeral, who passed away peacefully earlier in the week. There are always other races. Other runs. We only get a finite number of family members.

I went for a long muddy trail run on Sunday to get some miles, and felt really good. I think I'm ready for 50. Although I got tired eventually, slogging through shoe-sucking mud and puddles and carrying all that extra weight on each leg would eventually take it's toll, it was nothing a Power Bar Gel wouldn't have solved. My run took me out and back along the Buckeye Trail as well as around the Brandywine Falls trail loop. Look for photos coming in another post.

Mileage for the week was down slightly, as I began the week planning a mild taper, only changing plans once I learned what day the funeral would be on. The Rite Aid Marathon is this weekend and I'm mulling some ideas over in my head which would allow me to run double that distance this weekend. I have four more weeks until the Yankee Springs Double Trail Marathon but I don't want to wait that long to run that far. I have some thinking to do on this weekend.

Monday - Rest/Recovery
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Strength Training (PT)
Thursday - Legs and Core AM / 12.65 mile trail run PM
Friday - Off
Saturday - Off
Sunday - 18.2 mile muddy trail run

Weekly mileage = 30.85 miles

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