It was nice taking a break from everything, including training, to just have some fun and unwind. I'm back from a very nice trip to Las Vegas, and it's time to get back into the swing of things again. Actually I got back into things right away. Allow me to recap this weekend's events:
-Plane leaves Las Vegas at 11:20'ish Saturday night.
-We land in Cleveland around 5:45 AM.
-Get the luggage.
-Get the car.
-Drive home.
-Take a short nap that I shouldn't have.
-Pick up dog from the kennel.
-Stop at Starbucks and get a succulent Mocha Chip Frappacino.
-Drive to Columbus to pick up Jr. P.
-Drive back to Cleveland.
-Wait for lack of sleep/low blood sugar/ caffeine induced shakes to stop.
-Go for 6+ mile run because the weather is too nice to miss.
-Cook dinner on grill because the weather is too nice to miss.
-Crash out early.
But here's the really important, breaking news from Sunday. I have officially decided to begin entering the Hawaii Ironman lottery beginning with the 2009 event. Mrs. P and I talked about it, with her wanting me to start doing it this year. I know I'm nowhere near ready to undertake such a task this year, so next year it is. I'm hoping that I wouldn't even be selected for a few years. Actually, I'm not in too much of a hurry to take the challenge. I've chosen Hawaii because it's the big one, and this might be our one chance to visit as well. I'm probably only going to take one shot at the distance, so why not make it the biggest one in the world?
Mr. P
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