Well, not quite on Memorial Day, but the day before. I wanted to get a long road run in and had an idea. I would park in Strongsville at Bonnie Park and run north through Berea to Rocky River along the All Purpose Trail. Basically out and back on the same path the Green Jewel is run on. How long I would run for would be determined by where I turned around at. The shortest I wanted to go before turning around was 10 miles. The furthest I thought I could go and make it back without major problems was 15 miles. I still felt pretty good when I hit the ten mile mark, so I just kept plugging away. By the time I hit mile 15, the clouds had gone away, the sun was out, the humidity was still there, and it was getting HOT. The trip back would be a long slow slog, as much a mental day as a physical one.
In the end, I made it back just fine. A little overheated and a little dehydrated, maybe, but otherwise just fine. It was nice to see all the groups and families out having cookouts along the way. Lots of walkers, runners, and cyclists were out and about on either on the path or the road too. I know I ran further than any other runner I saw that day, and I'm curious as to how many cyclists stopped short of 31 miles. Motivation!
Here are just a few photos from my trip. I really didn't take too many, and these are the best from the day.

A long hot run, but well worth it. I need to log some long hot runs and if I need to do them on the road because the trails are too muddy, so be it. Next up this weekend: The Yankee Springs Double Trail Marathon on Saturday. The weather forecast so far is for low 60's to low 80's and a chance of scattered thunderstorms. I'll take that forecast. I feel for the folks running Another Dam 50K near Dayton Saturday. They are supposed to top out in the mid 90's!
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