My first triathlon of the year was on August 15. I was hoping to participate in at least a couple others, but due to events happening this summer beyond my control, it made sense to not plan any races until late in the season. So no build up like last year. Just straight to a half IM distance event: the Great Buckeye Challenge at Buck Creek State Park in Springfield, OH.
I was hoping this race would be a good training race for IM and an indicator of my fitness to that point. As it was only 3 weeks out from race day, if I wasn't in shape there wasn't much I could do about it anyway. But I had some very long rides in already, as well as long swims, and hot runs. All my swims had been in the pool so the open water part would be new for the year, but it was just a training race.
I encountered one drawback to wearing a wetsuit while swimming that day: too much buoyancy. The way the waves were coming in, how small they were, was just enough to slam me back down into the water when taking a breath. It hurt and was very tiring mentally. I was getting beat up out there. My other big problem, which I can't attribute directly to the wetsuit, was a temporary overheating. At least it felt like I was overheating. It may have simply been stress induced near panic. At one point, about halfway down the far side of the course, I felt hot all over. Even the top of my head covered by the swim cap. I was fighting the urge to rip my cap off or even unzip my wetsuit to let the water cool me off. It was nearly maddening! Fortunately I had the presence of mind to realize it wasn't overheating and just a panic attack. I concentrated on relaxing and getting my breathing back under control. It passed as quickly as it began and I pressed on swimming.
Once on dry land I was more in my element. I took my time in transition, making sure socks were on correctly and I had everything I needed for a long ride. Then I was off on my third ride of my new tri bike. (Long story for another post) I wasn't planning to hammer the ride, but I wanted to ride harder than I will at IM. The course proved to be hillier than I expected and the wind gave us serious headwind at a couple points. Road surface conditions on the two loop bike were very nice, with one stretch of freshly paved road possibly being the nicest road I've ever ridden on! My bike split was 3:21:04. Not great but not bad for me either.
I was looking forward to the run, as it's my strongest of the three sports. By the time I finished the bike the clouds departed and the sun was out in all her glory. I've been training in heat all summer so bring it on! In the photo below I'm heading out on the course with a little encouragement from Jr. P. The course was well stocked with aid, but I was smart to wear my Fuelbelt with my own fluids. It was a hot run and I needed as much electrolytes as I could get.
All in all a great training day. I got some open water experience before IM. I was able to get a serious ride in on the new Felt. And I had a strong run at the end. I like the half IM distance. It's a manageable distance. It doesn't feel like a second career training for one. I look forward to competing in more half distance races in the future. I'll let you know in a week if I plan on doing another full!
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