Friday, April 30, 2010
Boston Teaser

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Food, Inc.

Don't worry, my big Boston re-cap is coming. I promise! I just still need to get a handle on the photos.
But in the meantime, I wanted to make a quick movie recommendation. We watched Food, Inc. last night. If you're anyone interested in food production, animal welfare, the American farmer, mega-corporations, or just what you're putting into your body, you should really make it a point to see this film. It's a PG rated (nothing bloody) documentary about America's food system, how it's changed in the last 50 years, how it's controlled by only a handful of too-large companies, and how it's detrimental to the health of the planet.
We have become more careful eaters in recent years, but watching this movie will have an immediate impact upon what we buy to eat, where we eat out, and what companies we will choose to avoid. When it comes to avoiding companies, I'm a pro, as it's been around 10 years since I've given Wal-Mart a dime. But, as crazy as it may sound, that personal boycott may come to an end soon, at least as far as certain food products are concerned. Wal-Mart's new "locally grown" food program may actually get me to give the OK to shopping there. That company is so large, it has the teeth to effect change, as it has with selling milk from non-steroid injected cows. As much as I dislike Wal-Mart's business practices of squashing local retailers and dictating costs to the point manufacturers are forced to move production overseas, I have a bigger problem with the near monopoly a handful of companies have over the ENTIRE food industry. I can, and have, easily avoided purchasing from one company, but to walk into any and every store and have the same products from the same food manufacturers on the shelves, that's a much bigger problem in my book.
What's the saying? "The enemy of my enemy is my friend?" Well, that's something I'm going to have to think about. Until I reach that decision, we will be shopping the farmers' market and from local growers, and you should go watch that movie!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Finished Boston
Monday, April 19, 2010
Marathon Monday
Friday, April 16, 2010

2010 Fools 50K

Two times around a course consisting of a variety of terrain on multiple trails. That is the Fools 50K course. The second race of such distance I had pre-registered for. I did not run the first, but had every intention of running the second, no matter what might happen physically.
The day began dry but finished very far from it. The first loop, consisting of roughly 15.5 miles, went very well, and saw a nice group of us Medina runners sticking together in a pack and enjoying ourselves. We had some sloppy sections. We walked up some hills. We ran WAY too hard down some others. Sometimes we would spread out, but would eventually re-group. By the time we hit the mid-point we were split in half, and that's the way it would stay. For me anyway.
The rain really began to fall right as I was finishing the first loop. My aches and pains were beginning to show themselves too. Plus another most unwelcome pain: my back. That's the one that really did me in. It was like Last Chance all over again, only worse. Ladd and I were running together for a bit on loop two, but I was just slowing him down, so he took off to see who he could catch. I just kept moving as best I could. Every step seemed to send pain shooting from my back down my legs. It was all I could do to not stop.
Eventually, a very upright posture, combined with a very short choppy stride, kept me moving at a slow pace. I was running up hills I would have walked just because walking hurt more. I had a few chances to drop out, but knew that wasn't an option. With the rain falling steadily and the trail turning to swamp, I just hoisted the hood of my rain jacket over my head and pushed on.
The final trail of the course, Salt Run? I think, was especially bad. Lots of ups and downs and the trail was 100% mud. I couldn't wait to finish, but knew I had about three miles to go. It was pretty tough to keep going. Somehow I managed to pass three people on that final section. They must have been feeling even worse than me! The worst part of that last section, mentally, was that as we began it, there's a point where you pass within sight of the finish line. It was right there, but it wasn't. My finish time was 6:35:03, a new PR for a trail 50K by 11-ish minutes.
Chuck, armed with my camera, was out and about on the course taking all kinds of race photos. They can be viewed in an online album here. Again, many thanks Chuck for coming out on a crappy day to stand around and watch muddy people run by!
2010 S.A.R.C. Shamrock 15K
This race is 9.3 miles of down, flat, and up. Lots of hills as it begins and ends at Woodridge High School in Cuyahoga Falls. The course took us down into the Cuyahoga Valley and back up, running the sometimes nearly vertical hills on Steels Corners! The weather was once again amazing, with lots of sun. Definitely shorts weather! I started off strong, and feeling good, stayed strong. I didn't know how my feet and ankle were going to treat me with all the downhill impact, but they let me run. I finished in 1:07:11, averaging 7:13 per mile. This was a HUGE PR over my one previous attempt at the distance from 2006.
Next up: Fools 50K? (If I can squeeze it in)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
2010 Last Chance For Boston

Now that it's the week before Boston, I'm going to try to get caught up on my race reports. First up is the Last Chance For Boston Marathon, held on Sunday February 28, 2010. There was much talk within the MCRR about sending a large contingent down to run, as it was just down the road in Dublin, OH. I was in at first, but with my aches and pains I developed in the 24 Hour, I decided I probably shouldn't run it.
For whatever reason, I got it into my head to register to run the marathon the day before. That was a decision I would come to regret. Just like all my long training runs, the pain in my feet, ankle, and now my lower back, hit me hard. Where as just a few months earlier I could go run 26.2 without barely thinking about it, I was hobbling around the one mile loop course nearly as badly as I was in Morganton. It was all I could do to keep moving and finish.
The photo above was at a point when I was feeling pretty bad and it shows. I really just wanted it to be over. But there were too many people I knew there so DNF'ing wasn't an option. I just had to keep moving. My back was the worst. I could deal with the feet and ankle, but the back was sending pain shooting down my legs and leaving me with no strength at all. So I just limped along.
My finish time was 3:55:07, which was under my 4 hour goal time and not a PW, so I had that to be happy about. But that was all. I shouldn't have run it. It really messed me up for the rest of the week, and I had the Green Jewel 50K the following weekend. That was a no go. I was able to get my number transferred to Chuck, who went out and ran great!
Mrs. P had a good run in the Last Chance Half Marathon, running a 2:23:47. She had some pains requiring her to slow down, but at least put on a happy face!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Negative Split in the Pool
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Egg 20
Saturday, April 3, 2010
BIG Swim
Cutting to the chase, I felt GREAT yesterday! Everything was working together like a well oiled machine. Still, I wasn't that fast, but I felt fast! My breathing came easy and regular and I didn't need to think about it. My strokes were smooth and even. I was able to maintain a freestyle stroke for the most part and only used the breaststroke when I needed a rest. I didn't dilly dally de-fogging my goggles and just kept going with limited visibility. The only problem I had was some cramping in my toes and feet, something I've always dealt with during longer swims. I don't know why. Maybe it's a lack of foot strength? Whatever the reason, I just eased back on my kicking and was able to work through it. My shoulders were SO tired afterward, I thought I was going to be in for a world of hurt this morning. But fortunately things aren't too bad today.
Getting ready for a nice 20 mile trail run in a little bit. The weather has been OUTSTANDING this week and I want to enjoy as much of it as possible. Happy Easter!