Sunday, August 30, 2009
A Cold Run in August
Friday, August 28, 2009
2009 Walt Disney World Vacation - Part 1
Back To Reagan
This week I met up with Ladd and Chris, who were already running when I got there, for some off road miles. It took a few minutes for us to meet up once I arrived, but then we were off. The trails were easier to run this week because they were dry. No slip sliding in the turns.
Chris left after a few miles and Ladd and I ended up crossing Reagan Parkway and running the loop over by the soccer fields. It felt like we ran that loop MUCH faster than last week. Maybe we did. Maybe it just seemed that way.
Ladd headed for home with nearly 12 miles, but I stayed to run solo to get my 10 miles in. We didn't see quite as many deer this week, but that could be because there were a lot more people out on the trails. Especially mountain bikers. Most of whom were not wearing helmets. That's just plain dumb, folks. There's way too much to hit, like narrow diameter tree stumps, when you fall to not wear a helmet on those trails. And as they say, if you haven't fallen yet, you will. Back to the wildlife. What we did have this week were groundhogs. Groundhogs, woodchucks, whatever you want to call them, they were out and about. One crossed the trail about two feet in front of me. I could hear the rustling approaching the trail but couldn't see what it was. Then it just burst out of the underbrush, hightailing it across the trail and back into the ground cover on the other side. Hightailing it as only a big fat groundhog can! That encounter was close enough to be considered a near collision. At least it wasn't a big buck.
And speaking of deer, as I was finishing up my miles the trail I was following did a looping turn around this small meadow/clearing of sorts. As I'm watching the ground about a meter or so in front of me, I don't get to enjoy much of the scenery. But out of my peripheral vision I think I see a deer standing, looking right at me. So I glance up and sure enough, there she was. And there was another, much smaller one laying down on the ground behind her. I assumed it was mother and daughter so I just kept running the direction I was going without changing anything about my pace or the sounds I was making. I didn't have any interest in a protective mother!
It's raining today. Nice day for a rest day! Which I need as I'm planning on 10 more tomorrow with another 20 on Sunday. Lots of running...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Speed Work, Solo Style
So what I came with was a 2 mile warm-up, 8 X 800 meter repeats with 400 meter recoveries, and a 2 mile cool-down. I completed the slow warm-up in 19:09, which I thought was slow, but still caused me to get out of breath and begin sweating profusely. What I was to figure out eventually is that the humidity was about 70%! I just couldn't cool off last night.
The 800 repeats went well with times of: 3:13 / 3:16 / 3:09 / 3:06 / 3:09 / 3:10 / 3:12 / and 3:01. I put everything I had left into that last one. I didn't want anything coming home with me. And I felt it during the two mile cool-down. I was ready to stop after the first mile but pushed through to get my mileage in.
I'm looking to hit the trails again tonight, probably locally, just to get some off-road miles in. Then an off day tomorrow with runs of 10 and 20? this weekend. Just have to wait and see how those days shape up.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Busy Weekend
Friday, August 21, 2009
Track and Trails
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Vacations Are Nice
Ah, but it's over. We had a long run, but it ended on Tuesday. Now it's back to other long runs! I've got some marathons to train for and their sneaking up on me. I was able to get three runs in at our resort in the heat and humidity of pre-dawn Orlando. 6 miles, 8 miles, and 10 miles. They were tough and hard to get motivated for, but I got up and ran anyway. Plus a half hour swim one morning before anyone else hit the pool.
Here's a photo of us at the Barbados bus stop at Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort waiting for the bus to Disney's Animal Kingdom one morning. I struck up a conversation with the cast member there about photography and he offered to take one of us. Look for more trip photos in the future, but for now I have to get back to work.
Monday, August 3, 2009
2009 Whirlpool Ironman 70.3 Steelhead
With the number taken care of and my orange race participant bracelet on, we headed towards the transition area. Bikes needed to be in by 8:00 PM. We had plenty of time but it was getting late. We were very hungry and still needed to check into the hotel.
As I'm walking along the sidewalk, notice how calm and inviting the waters of Lake Michigan look.
The finish line: My target destination for the following day.
Here I am, done and making my way out. Will I have the same look on my face when I cross the line the following day?
There were some restored oldies.
And lots of muscle!
Starsky and Hutch were even there!
And then there was this guy. Would someone please tell him there is a distinct a point when the rims get TOO large!

Thanks to Heather for taking just about all of these photos!
Now what? Are there more half Ironman's in my future? Yes, I think so. Would I like to go longer? I'm thinking yes about that as well. 2010 might be shaping up to be a very interesting year.