Tuesday was Election Day. How did I spend my day? I ran 5.2 miles with Marsha from the club. In the dark. And when I say "dark" I mean DARK! Damn clock changes. Could we just leave it on Standard or Daylight time year round? Or, the best solution I have heard: Let's move the clocks ahead 1/2 hour in the spring and leave it there permanently. We could call it Eastern Moderate Time. Which is also where our country's politics are going to need to go, but more on that later.
Marsha and I were the only ones who showed up for the track work this week. Lots of other people showed up for a soccer match and some more pee wee football games, so both stadiums were being used yet again. We headed out on the same course they ran last week. But this night, we could barely see where we were going. Fortunately, she had the presence of mind to grab her head lamp, so we had a little swath of light illuminating any sticks, cracks, and small animals. I'm going to have to get one of those. (A light, not a small furry animal!) The run was otherwise uneventful as we toured Reagan Park by moonlight. Sections were straight out of a B horror movie. With everything appearing gloomy and grainy. Kind of a weird experience. I don't know what's going to happen to the weekly workouts. It's just too dark to do much.
As for the politics. I'm not by any means going to get into a rant or anything. I've been relatively quiet this year. If someone asked which way I was leaning, I answered truthfully. I had no desire to go around advertising my thoughts, and have no intention of doing so here.
I will just say this:
The result of Tuesday's election was historic. As a nation, we should be proud of what just happened. Something I didn't expect to see happen so soon. I am proud to be an American because with this election, we are regaining our leadership role in the world. Something we have lost in the last 8 years. But we need to keep working. The extremists on both the right and the left have taken control of the issues. In order to keep our country strong, we're going to have to come together in the middle and be Moderates. Otherwise it's like we're living in two different countries, and that's not good for anyone.
Mr. P
1 comment:
Hi Dan. I did return home last night and I did run this morning. Sorry I didn't get your comment earlier. Here is my usual Saturday routine: I run on the towpath with at least two friends, sometimes more. We start at 7am, but sometimes 7:30 (that's the only variable) at Station Road Bridge. We usually go about 2 hours at 8 1/2 to 9 minute pace. Sometimes we go off the towpath for the rougher trails, and sometimes we do more than 2 hours. You would be more than welcome - we'd love to have another. Let me know (runhorvathrun@hotmail.com 0r 330-558-0412) or just show up. I won't be running on the 15th because I'll be in Michigan for a wedding.
I usually run alone on Sundays, but I'd be willing to meet and run with you if you like.
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