And so upon finishing today's race, I close another multi-sport season. 2008 was my second season in a row, but my eighth overall. I've had a good season, competing in six sprint distance duathlons. I've come to realize a couple things this year. One is that I am more competitive in the shorter races than the Olympic distance events. Another is that, try as I might, I'm not going to be as fast as the top guys overall, or even in my age group. I am going to take that knowledge into consideration when I choose the direction my racing will go next year.
I finished 4th in my age group today in the series finale for HFP Racing. We were at Portage Lakes State Park in Akron, OH, which kicked my ass last year. Of course last year the elements conspired against me, namely 30 degree temps at the start, competing in the Olympic distance, and a wicked hangover from my brother's 30th birthday party the night before. This year I was well rested, competing in the shorter race, and most decidedly NOT hungover. (I got that out of my system Monday at Oktoberfest.) While 4th in my AG, I was 18 out of 75 overall. That should tell you how competitive these older age groups are. My bike was slow with an average speed of just 17.6 mph. My lack of training on the bike really shows up on hilly courses. I did have some high points, however. My runs kicked ASS today! Seriously! All this track work is really paying off in these shorter distances. I had the second fastest Run 1 in my AG at 21:23. That's a 6:54 per mile pace. It was also the 12th fastest Run 1 split overall. My Run 2 time was just as good at 22:44, a 7:20 per mile pace. That was also the 2nd fastest Run 2 split in my AG and the 11th fastest overall. I knew I felt good on the runs and my splits prove it. Also, my transitions were the fastest in the AG at 50 seconds and 45 seconds respectively. If my bike would have been better than the 42 minute slog that it was, 37th position, I would have had a lovely outing today.
All in all, I can't complain. I know where I can make the most improvement for next year. I know where I'm strong right now, and I need to maintain that. I have some plans for change next year, but I'm not going to reveal the specifics just yet.
For right now, I'm going to rest. Rest, and prepare for my 15 miler this Sunday.
Mr. P
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