What else can I say? We made a left when we should have gone right. What makes running in the rain even better? That's right, going the wrong way! Because everyone knows that it's better to go further than necessary when wet. It's an unwritten rule.
Seriously though, I had a decent run none the less. After all, it's not called the Schoolhouse Run-4-Fun for nothing. It's a fun way to raise money for the schools. Yes, I was hoping for a 5K PR Friday night. But I'm not upset over what happened. I'll just have to plan another 5K into the schedule in order to make another attempt.
Official results have yet to be posted, but I do have my own mile splits. I did Mile 1, which was blessed with the wrong turn, in a blistering 8:40.85. I'm not exactly sure how far I went before turning around, but it was a fast start. Based upon my mile 2 split of 7:06.46, I would put mile one below 7 minute pace. Mile 3.1 was 7:46.45. I neglected to split at the 3 mile mark, and therefore have a longer time. But based upon previous splits for the last tenth of a mile, that puts mile three just over 7 minutes. So, had I not gone wrong, I would have posted a new PR. That's why I'm not getting upset about it. Another chance will come along, I just need to be ready when it presents itself.
And special congratulations to Jr. P, Mrs. P, and The Wife for walking/jogging the 5K in the rain. Especially The Wife, as she was pushing a stroller the entire time. I was able to run with Jr. P as he finished strong over the last 2 tenths of a mile. And he saved enough to sprint down the track to the finish. He'll be whooping my behind in a few years.
And now I'm soon to be off. The rain has cleared out, and we have partly sunny skies. I'm going to get a brick in this morning. Probably a 3 mile / 12 mile / 3 mile. Just running around the neighborhood and taking the mountain bike out the rail trail. About a month till my first duathlon and I need to be ready. I want to kick ass and take names this season.
That's all Folks!
Mr. P
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