Tuesday, September 29, 2009
One Last Long Run
After talking about a Sunday long run at the Legends get together, Ladd decided to join me. It would be his final long run going into this weekend's 24 Hour Run at Edgewater. I was originally thinking of running trails in Hinckley, but chose the Towpath instead for it's combination of flatness and crushed surface.
We were able to start around 8:00 in the morning when it was not only cool but incredibly humid from the rain we had Saturday and overnight. In fact the humidity was near 100%, making breathing a little tough. It also caused me to start sweating buckets eventually. Fortunately I came equipped with the maximum amount of fluids I could carry.
We had a nice relaxing run, seeing various wildlife including a Great Blue Heron and a deer that scared the crap out of us because we didn't see her until she was right next to us. We also met up and ran with a fellow named Matt from Solon who was also doing his final long run in preparation for Columbus. He started from a different parking lot so we parted ways when it was time for us to turn around at 10 miles. Running from Peninsula, we made it all the way to Pleasant Valley Road before we hit our turnaround point.
I felt pretty good. My knee wasn't giving me any problems at all and I wasn't experiencing any fatigue from the hard 10 miles the day before. I probably should have taken another sports drink concoction to try out, but I'll do that tonight at the track. It's cold and windy and sometimes rainy. Not my favorite weather to do speed work in, but we run in what we get.
Monday, September 28, 2009
2009 Road Runner Akron Half Marathon

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Testing the Knee
Unfortunately, just about everyone there was tapering heading into Saturday's Akron Marathon or Half Marathon. But did that stop us from pushing too hard? Heck no! Alternating 200's and 400's were on tap after a nearly 2 mile warm-up. Splits were: 39.9 / 1:26 / 38.7 / 1:27 / 35.9 / 1:22 / 39.2. I was huffing and puffing pretty hard after some of those reps.
But as I was hoping to run a bit more than that I added on a pair of 800's, clocking in at 3:07 and 2:58. And if that weren't enough, I finished it all off with a 7:00 mile. That last one felt really good. Most of the bug storm was gone by then, and although I was still dripping buckets of sweat due to the humidity, I finished strong and injury free. I'm hoping the injury free part sticks around for a while.
Now I need to decide whether or not to run the Akron Half Marathon Saturday morning. Joe's knee is bothering him pretty bad and he's decided not to run even though he's registered and paid in full. So I have the chance to run with his number if I want. I had a 10 mile pace run planned for later on Saturday anyway, so I could start out with a 3 mile warm-up and bump my times down to 7:15-ish for the rest of the race. I'm leaning towards running it, just not completely sure yet.
Monday, September 21, 2009
An Easy Weekend
Sunday I cancelled my running plans in the hopes of getting a little extra rest before this final big week of training. This week is the last push before my taper starts for Columbus. Now that I think about it, it is a three week taper. I could push everything back one week if I needed to and just do a two week taper. I'm going to have to consider that if tonight's test run doesn't go well.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Post Marathon Recovery Run
The pack took off again with only a 200 meter recovery, which I forgot about and missed because I was talking with Dan, who was doing his own set of 800's. So I began my second rep half a lap behind everyone else. I was able to close the gap a little, but I never caught them. Just maintaining an even distance behind them was all I could muster.
Another short recovery and we were off again. With one important difference: There was nothing left in my legs. They just wouldn't do what I wanted them to do. Post-race exhaustion raised it's ugly head and won. I finished the mile, but at a very slow pace. Cool-down pace. And then I was done. Six miles in just under 50 minutes was the total. I wouldn't even call it a speed workout.
I should rest tonight but we're hitting the trails instead. You can bet I'm just going to take things easy though.
Monday, September 14, 2009
2009 Erie Marathon
Here I am at the half-way point preparing to trade three empties for three fulls.
I felt pretty good through the first 21 miles, maintaining a pace about 30 seconds behind my goal time. I alternated between Gatorade and water with gel at the aid stations, which were awesome to have every mile. I needed the Gatorade because of the extra sodium and the gels for the concentrated calories and caffeine. While I made if farther than at Rite Aid before experiencing problems, the problems, they did arise. The cramping began in my toes, moved to my calves, and then eventually on to my interior quads. I slowed with each wave of cramping and was able to run my way through them. With four miles left I accepted the fact that I wasn't going to qualify for Boston that day, but if I maintained my pace without getting any worse, I would certainly set a new PR. To hit 3:15 I would need to run four 7:15 miles while I was cramping and that just wasn't going to happen. What I was able to do was piece together four just over 8:30 miles and finish with a 2:00 PR, 3:20:39!
My race splits were: 8:05 / 7:30 / 7:32 / 7:32 / 7:37 / 7:13 / 7:12 / 7:24 / 7:22 / 7:23 / 7:20 / 7:22 / 7:19 / 7:21 / 7:28 / 7:28 / 7:39 / 7:20 / 7:44 / 7:28 / 7:49 / 8:02 / 7:55 / 8:25 / 8:43 / 8:49 / and 1:26 for the final .2 miles. Like I said, I was trailing goal pace by a very consistent 30 seconds at every mile. At one point, mile 19 I think, I was right on goal pace to the second! There was enough slop built into my pacing schedule to get me to the line with some time to spare. But alas, it wasn't to be.
Oh well, this wasn't supposed to be the qualifying race anyway. That has always been planned for Columbus. I just needed to come through without injuring myself and maybe learn some things for the future. Well, I didn't injure myself and I learned that I'm going to have to figure out how to prevent the cramping. How? I don't know yet.
As far as stats go, I finished 6th of 22 in my age group and 42nd of 484 total finishers. Not too bad! That's all for now, but stay tuned for a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT in the very near future. Bigger things are in the works for next year!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Blue Line Run and Being Chased by a Bear
And not together either.
And it wasn't a bear, per se.
Nor, a wild animal at all really.
And calling it being chased is sort of misleading as well.
But in my mind I was being chased by a big ole hungry bear. Or maybe a wolf. Or something else with big nasty teeth. What I'm referring to is my solo trail run in Reagan Park last Wednesday evening. The running club was meeting for a group trail run Thursday that Mrs. P was interested in attending, so I decided to head out on my own a day earlier so she could run with the group. The weather was great and everyone was out that night. Especially the mountain bikers. There were a few groups out as well as solo riders. The largest group numbered 8 to 10 riders. It was that group I was running from, or racing against, should you choose to look at it that way.
The trail loops in the park are narrow and for the most part, one way. So I can hear when a rider is approaching from behind. They tend to make a lot of noise. Some of the trails even switch back on themselves so you can see who's coming up on you. I was on one of those trails when I heard and then saw the riders coming. I didn't know exactly how far I had to go to reach the end of the trail, but I knew I wasn't more than a mile. So I picked up the pace. I was running that trail as hard as I could. My ears would hear guys yelling to each other, but my mind translated that into animal snarls that wouldn't let me ease up. By the time I reached the end of the trail I was completely out of breath and drenched in sweat. But I reached the end ahead of them!
I continued running that night, logging 10 miles of trails and averaging 9:34 per mile. That's amazing for me considering the technical difficulty of those trails.
Saturday morning brought with it the annual Blue Line run on the Akron Marathon course, sponsored by Vertical Runner. I did this run last year where I met some runners I've been training with since. It's a great run on a great course with a great turnout. We probably had about a hundred or so runners starting out in pre-dawn downtown Akron. The weather was just about perfect too. Just a little chilly at the start, but warming very fast once the sun was up.
Dan H. and I ran together for the entire 20 miles, seeing others occasionally from time to time. We averaged just over 9 minute miles and maintained a nice comfortable chat-friendly pace throughout. I like the hills on this course and I'm a bit sad that I won't be able to run Akron this year. Maybe next year? We finished in just under 3 hours and I was back home by 11:00. After a little time to rest, we were off to Oktoberfest for the rest of the day. But that's an entirely different story...
The Erie Marathon is Sunday which will affect my training this week. As this isn't an "A" race, and just a long training run, I'm not going with a full 3 week taper leading up to race day. I'm just going to scale things back a little instead: Speed work tonight, not full blast, but not sandbagging it either, and another middle distance run on Wednesday or Thursday. And that will be all till Sunday. On Sunday, the Gauntlet begins.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Time For Some Cross Country Training (again)
Our course consisted of beginning on the further end zone of the football field, up the sledding hill, around the baseball diamond, around the parking lot, past the playground, down the hill, past a second baseball diamond, and back to the end zone. It's actually a little over half a mile at .53 mile or so. After two warm-up laps we began 8 repeats. The splits were: @ 4:00 / 3:43 / 3:43 / 3:25 / 3:28 / 3:26 / 3:27 / and 3:21. We walked/jogged a 200 yard recovery down and back on the football field between each repeat.
Although the long uphill run left me feeling weak and out of breath at the top, I found I was able to recover quite rapidly after leveling out. That is a great cardio workout that left me tired but not beat up. We should really do that more often.
The weather is still great so I'm thinking of hitting the local trails tonight so that Mrs. P can join the group trail run tomorrow night. Looks like the weather is supposed to hold through the holiday weekend as well. Let's hope so. I have a long run planned for Saturday and am thinking about taking the bike out for one more long ride too. We'll see how I feel after attending Oktoberfest!